Demo: Expanso Cloud
We show off the power and ease of creating Bacalhau networks with a managed orchestrator at its heart
We've come to the end of the 5 Days of Bacalhau for 1.6.0 - and what a week it's been!
We've released so much in this last week that people have told us they love - but of particular note is Expanso Cloud, our new Managed Bacalhau Orchestrator platform.
Telling people that something is great is one thing, but we're big believers in "show me, don't tell me".
With that in mind, we've put together a short and sharp demo of Expanso Cloud demonstrating its power, ease-of-use and networking capabilities.
Check it out, and sign up here!
Recap - Bacalhau 1.6.0
If you want a refresher on some of the key things we released in 1.6.0, check out our other posts!
2024-12-16: Introducing Bacalhau 1.6.0
2024-12-17: Introducing: Expanso Cloud
2024-12-18: Enhancing Bacalhau’s Resiliency
2024-12-19: Enhanced Security with Node-to-Node TLS
2024-12-20: Demo: Expanso Cloud (this post)
And if you’re hungry for more, check out the release notes too!
Get Involved!
We welcome your involvement in Bacalhau. There are many ways to contribute, and we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to us at any of the following locations.
Commercial Support
While Bacalhau is open-source software, the Bacalhau binaries go through the security, verification, and signing build process lovingly crafted by Expanso. You can read more about the difference between open-source Bacalhau and commercially supported Bacalhau in our FAQ. If you would like to use our pre-built binaries and receive commercial support, please contact us!